Catalog of Classes - Art Camps UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Pardon our digital dust . . .
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Knitting for Beginners
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Swatch & Learn
Pick A Project!
Visual Journaling
Fun with Fabric & Fiber
Crochet for Beginners
Intro to Crochet
Tunisian Crochet
Mosaic Crochet
Pick a Project!
Mixed Media Projects
Tiny Treasure Boxes
Paper & Clay Beads
Mixed Media Paintings
Handcrafted Cards
The 4-Fold Book
Upcycled Yard Art
The Photo Essay
Not New Knitting Projects
Mixed Media Painting in Series
Shawl Bling
Organize Your Stash
Your Knitting Journal
Class Descriptions
Knitting for Beginners - Part 1 (2 hours/ $ 30 per artist)
Knitting for Beginners - Part 1 (2 hours/ $ 30 per artist) We're experimenting with a new mini-camp idea: students choose! Since ArtLab is new to so many, it's sometimes hard to know what project/projects might be interesting until you're actually in our space. In this session, we'll work with fabric and fiber, and could explore creating stamps and stencils to personalize fabric, making and following an apron pattern, the basics of hand and machine sewing, decorative repairs, embroidery, and even knitting and needle felting. Can't decide what you want to try? This session is the perfect way to gain experience working with a variety of materials and techniques. After seeing what's available, the group can choose how we move forward. While all materials are included, students are welcome to bring items of clothing (or other fabric items) they may wish to decorate, embellish, or repair. Regularly $ 165 per artist Introductory Offer $ 135 per artist |
Photography, Mixed Media, Visual Journaling, Art Camps, SoulCollage® Photography has long been Cindi’s primary art form. She has studied with renowned documentary photographers (including Mary Ellen Mark, Bruce Davidson, Sam Abel, and Antonin Kratochvil), photojournalist Peter Turnley, and National Geographic editor Leah Bendavid-Val and is working on publishing her first book of photographic images, D is for Dog. She'll tell you that ArtLab has three rules: 1. Tell your inner critic to take a hike. 2. Try it—even if someone once told you that you weren’t good at it. 3. Have fun! For more information about Cindi and her work, click here. Quotes that inspire Cindi’s creative practice: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." —Confucius "The fun for me in collaboration is . . . that working with other people just makes you smarter; that’s proven." —Lin-Manuel Miranda |