Catalog of Classes - SoulCollage® UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Pardon our digital dust . . .
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Introduction to SoulCollage®
Intro to SoulCollage®
Building your Deck
Using Your Deck
Card Making OpenStudio
The Suits
The Council Suit
The Community Suit
The Companion Suit
The Committee Suit
Workshops and Retreats
Design Your Own!
Design Your Own!
Design Your Own!
The Portable Labyrinth
Design Your Own!
Class Descriptions
Intro to SoulCollage® (3 hours/ $ 45 per artist)
SoulCollage® is a creative way to tap into your own wisdom and intuition. As you create a personal deck of cards (using images you cut from magazines, a glue stick, and your imagination), you can take a break from our increasingly electronics driven world, reconnect with your heart and soul, and maybe even even discover some hidden insights. SoulCollage® is a great way to give yourself the gift of self-care and relaxation, and have fun at the same time! All materials included, no experience necessary. |
Photography, Mixed Media, Visual Journaling, Art Camps, SoulCollage® Photography has long been Cindi’s primary art form. She has studied with renowned documentary photographers (including Mary Ellen Mark, Bruce Davidson, Sam Abel, and Antonin Kratochvil), photojournalist Peter Turnley, and National Geographic editor Leah Bendavid-Val and is working on publishing her first book of photographic images, D is for Dog. She'll tell you that ArtLab has three rules: 1. Tell your inner critic to take a hike. 2. Try it—even if someone once told you that you weren’t good at it. 3. Have fun! For more information about Cindi and her work, click here. Quotes that inspire Cindi’s creative practice: "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." —Confucius "The fun for me in collaboration is . . . that working with other people just makes you smarter; that’s proven." —Lin-Manuel Miranda |